16 September 2014

Kickstarter Journaling

Yes, it's been ages since I posted.  Is anybody out there?  My world has been very busy, with good things of course.  My team has completely consumed my time this summer, and it's paying off.  I'll save those tales for another day.  My Tuesday posts will serve to chronicle my experiences with Kickstarter projects.

In the past year I have pledged to a few projects.  My purpose for pledging was to experience first hand how the process works, what kind of tools are available to the "little guy", and of course to get a reward from the pledge.

I will qualify that Kickstarter is not a marketplace or storefront for small business.  It's a place where the "little guy" can ask for money to build, create, or inspire something near and dear to their heart.  Those things require money and KS is a one of many places to ask for it.  I offer you an objective representation of each of my experiences on KS and interactions with the project creators.

Currently Backed:
FreeRider by Ryan Moseman
Juiceboxx by Juiceboxx Inc. (tOSU Startup)
Key Stak by Mike Kamber
Apollo Technical Pen and Drafting Scale by Pranay and Paul

Completed Projects:
Mauve in Mauve by Tera Tolentino

Failed to Fund:
Pocket Bike Juice by Leed Bicycle Solutions LLC

Dropped Pledges:
Maintenance-Free Bicycles by Dave Weiner
Fly Kly Smart Wheel by Niko Klansek