Currently in my tiny head, I have several ideas swimming around. First, we have a huge week of volleyball as our last regular season home games take place this Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. There will be a lot of activity planned in addition to the volleyball being played. It involves a lot of coordination with college students, some of them are very mindful and communicative, and some not so much, but it's a place for learning so I won't sweat the small stuff.
Second, my Kickstarter Tuesday review of Key Stak is almost ready. I had to retake some photos and test the layout of the post so that it doesn't turn out funky on mobile devices. I am still waiting on the creator to get back to me regarding the financials of the project so that may have to sit on a back burner until then. I want to make sure I include his perspective on the project. In the meantime I do have write-ups for other campaigns that I've backed.
Third, I love dogs. I've applied to Golden Retrievers In Need Rescue Service, Inc. (GRIN), and I hope that I will be matched to a new friend soon. I have to temper my excitement and anticipation as I navigate the application process. The last 2 dogs I've co-owned with my sister. This dog will be exclusively in my care and possession. While it presents a whole new set of challenges, I just can't wait to give one of these dogs a new outlook on life and some fun adventures. That's all I have for now. I didn't want October to pass bay without an update on what I have cooking. I hope all is well with you.