06 November 2022

Why the extra -er?

I'm funny that way. If you recall, a tinker is someone that fixes things in an unskilled or uninformed way.  I add the extra -er because my tinkering is quite deliberate. I like to take objects, ideas, and systems apart and reassemble them to make them more efficient or find out how they work, or in some cases don't work. Sometimes I pronounce or spell words incorrectly on purpose. Tinkerer is one of those gags I borrowed from an old SNL skit with Chris Farley when he used to talk about "living in his van down by the river". It's sort of funny that I do fix things for a living and for fun, but I am one of the clumsiest people I know. The reason I'm good at fixing stuff, is because I break a lot of stuff. Ask anyone that knows me. If you want a really good story you can ask about the time I spilled a beer on someone's love interest because the tables were at an awkward height and I just didn't know what to do with my arms.