04 August 2013

It's been a long time since I posted anything, and I don't really have an excuse except that I've been lazy in recording my thoughts.  Today, I'm recovering from a horrendous cough/congestion thing that I got while working camp at University of Illinois.  So I'll write a little today and hopefully everyday.

So if you don't follow me on Twitter @bchanthavisouk or Facebook then here are some of my highlights.  I'll omit all the times, I was mistaken for a small child or had food thrown at me while riding my bicycle.

In November 2012, my team at Gannon University won the PSAC (Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference) the first ever conference title for the volleyball program.  Our team also hit a major milestone and won our first round match at the NCAA tournament, but that is as far as the train took us.

In June 2013, I successfully planned and took my first trip on French Creek in Northwest  PA by kayak from Sagertown, PA to Franklin, PA.

During this trip I realized the complex nature of the human condition and decided that on the 4th of July I would fast in support of the millions of people that go hungry everyday through no fault of their own and in solidarity for those that hunger for change in their world.

So here I am, existing, resisting the confines of social conformity.  While in Illinois for volleyball camp, I came to the understanding that I let my emotions get the better of me at times, and I need to be mindful of how it affects others.  Case in point, I was starting to battle what i thought were allergies and in my haste, ended up taking medication that made me, well to put it mildly, angry.  It wasn't until a colleague alerted me to this fact that I made a change.  I'm not sure what I did differently, but just being aware, and seeking out feedback from others seemed to alleviate whatever anger I was displaying.  Then this cough took on a life of it's own.

I went to visit a friend in Milwaukee and while she was away at work I decided to see the city and snap some photos.  What started as a photo tour turned into a local meet and greet with strangers.  I photographed this gentlemen sleeping on a bench while walking along the riverwalk.  I felt bad about snapping his picture, so I asked him if he was hungry and we got some hot dogs, and bubble tea from a lunch truck vendor.  I asked him his name and he either didn't want to tell me or didn't hear me, but he told me how he came to live on the streets.  We chatted some more and I told him why I was in town, and then he bid me fairwell to play cards in the park with some other homeless friends.

Well it was 80+ degrees outside and I was coughing, and sweating in ways that no human should ever do so I decided to call it a day.  On my way back to my car I saw some guy tooling around with his motorcycle and not having much success.  I offered him a jump, and he accepted with gratitude.  After getting him started and proceeding back to my friends place, I wondered how I could be the same angry coach to the kids and a kind stranger at the same time.

Now I realize that my anger didn't manifest in physical way, I just gave off an angry vibe in my interactions with the kids.  But the fact that I could be so terrible a person that someone notices and so kind to strangers really terrifies me.

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