15 May 2012


One of my pet peeves involves looking for parking spots, one of the nutty OCD requirements of a spot be that it be near a light post or at the end of a row.  My memory is awful and it just makes it easier to find my car in the end.  Back to search for a parking spot, many times I find that a spot is masquerading as open when in fact it is occupied by either a motorcycle, or sub-compact car.  Nothing against these vehicles (as I used to own a Yaris), but the act of turning in to a spot, only to find it occupied is frustrating and embarrassing.

As someone that is 5-1, I've been told on multiple occasions that I'm hard to spot in a crowd.  This is evident when at a volleyball tournament and the other coaches are looking for me, but don't spot me right away, because I get lost in a forest of arms, legs, and spandex.  Take my penchant for wearing school colors and you can see why people have a hard time picking me out when I'm seated in the Hammermill Center when it's moderately full.

Recently, I found myself having lunch at Panera, when a woman threw her jacket into the booth.  I said, "Hi" which threw her off for sure, because she jumped in the air a bit.  She excused herself and commented that she didn't realize the booth was occupied because she didn't my head over the booth.  After this encounter I realized that I am my own pet peeve in human form.  Small objects occupying a fraction of the space allotted only to reveal themselves too late.

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