15 June 2011

Back off Ginger!!!

I'm not a very tall person, I will be the first to admit that I am a shrimpo, and I come from a family of shrimpos.  That is not to say that I don't deserve my own personal space.  A two foot radius in all directions is reasonable.  I remember from my basic training that if you enter a Drill Sergeants 3 foot bubble he or she has a right to correct you in the most painful way imaginable.  Drill Sergeants are very creative when it comes to physical punishment.  So I'm not asking for a whole lot.

While waiting in the check-out line at an undisclosed hardware store, I could feel warm air and wetness on my neck.  What the deuce?  Why are you standing so close to me?  These were the questions that entered my mind.  What came out of my mouth was, "Excuse me, are you in a hurry, would you like to step in line ahead of me?"  "Why thank you!", she replied.  Off her merry little way she went.  At least she wasn't breathing down my neck anymore.  What's a couple more minutes on an very nice day?

As the cashier is wrapping up dragon lady's stuff, doesn't some freaky looking ginger with bad teeth get in line behind me with a cart and take out my Achilles.  I just want some space folks.

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