08 July 2011

Knock, Knock

Let me tell you about my nephew, Bryce. He's the smartest four year old I've ever met. He's protective of his mom, and don't you dare mess up one of his John Deere sing along songs. Well I had the pleasure of babysitting him this past week while my sister was as work. She warned me of all the tricks he has up his sleeve and for the most part she was right.
As a four year old:
His life is all about his mom, trucks, train, and dirt.
He loves his trampoline.
He loves his strawberry yogurt.
Don't make fun of Thomas the tank engine.
He takes everything literally and will hold it against you if you renege.
He doesn't appreciate naps as much as you do.
Did I mention the thing about trucks?

Runner Up event of the week:
At the Strong Museum of Play we had the chance to play in just about everything that could be played on or with. He does well with other children and while he is a know it all will help the other kids and talk any adults ear off willing to listen. As we exited the exhibits, Bryce decided to make up a little game and hop over certain colors and jump on others. I hadn't realized he had missed the landing and did a Nadia on to the carpet. I kept walking and a passing gentlemen asked me if I had forgotten something, whoops I should probably wait for the little guy. He caught back up and was fine. The only thing that would have made that story funnier is if the guy that pointed the fallen child out to me was a ginger.

Grand Prize winner:
We went to Ellison Park to exercise Grady and look for polliwogs, toads, frogs, minnows, crayfish, and the like. We got there without incident. Bryce got a huge kick out of the John Deere front loader that was at a construction site. At the park we also encountered a wood chipper, and Gator 4x4 that Bryce waved at every time it passed. The kids in it were pretty bewildered by it. Grady as usual played well with the other dogs and frolicked to his hearts delight. We didn't have a net so catching minnows was not going to happen, but he got to see them and remarked that all of them won't live to be big fish. Didn't I tell you he was smart? We moved to a different spot where I have seen turtles and frogs and hoped to have better luck with the wildlife. What luck! We found frogs and toads of all sizes. Grady even "found" a friend. Well I was supervising my charge and turned around to see Grady with frogs legs sticking out of his maw. I'm glad I won't have to clean up after that.

We brought home two micro frogs. They couldn't have been bigger than my thumb. Bryce named them Brown Hoppy and Black Hoppy and thought they could live in garden and help mommy catch the flies. I let him take them back home, but in transit, Black Hoppy got out of the bucket and was or is loose in my car. I guess I'll find out in a couple days if it found a way out. I just hope it doesn't live off the dead bugs in my car and grow to be some mutant frog and bite me while I'm driving as revenge for taking it from its home. Many of my stories are about karma and I just hope I've been good.

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