07 July 2012


I know January marks the new year for most of the normal people, but for me July marks the new year. It is a time when my job as a volleyball coach changes over to the new season.  The Seniors in High School we recruited are done with their graduations, and will soon join us as college freshman.  The Juniors in High School now take their place on the Senior stage.  Our budgets roll over and we buy our equipment for the team and get ready for camps, and preseason.

I reset my brain since Nationals are finished, and clean up old paperwork and files.  I also take this time to work other camps and clinics and bone up on my ball control skills in preparation for the upcoming season.  This is also the established time for me to reset and refresh all of my electronics.  I back files up and start fresh.  Sometimes I refine my workflows and thought processes to make more efficient use of technology.

Some of the new things I'm working on include a redesign for a Boys Club team I work with from California.  I think I'll add more photos and video and well as twitter feeds to my blog.  I have not been very good about sharing my stories and I know some of you don't use facebook, so I will be more diligent about updating you on my trials and tribulations as I navigate this thing called life.  Illinois Volleyball Camp is up to bat and Gannon Volleyball Camp is on deck.  Somewhere in there is a side trip in Chicago to visit a friend or two.  I would bet a sizable amount of cash (if I had some) that I either almost get hit by a vehicle (happens more often than you think) or I get mistaken for a lost child at the Amtrak station.  You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

31 May 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Rundown

My luck is rotten.  The most random things happen to me.  The three occasions where I was in the company of friend that witnessed these random happenings swear it's just because it's me, I still dont' know what that means.

Part I:  The Tazer
I was in PA recruiting while the big guy was in Chicago.  We split up often to see more athletes and cover more ground.  Across the street from my hotel, I was gassing up my car.  My receipt didn't print and I walked in quick to retrieve it.  I came back out and there a random woman blocking entry into my vehicle.  I asked her what she was doing, then this wall of vodka and smoke hit me in the face like a 2x4.  SHe said that my car was her car.  I said she was mistaken.  Her reply, "Oh really, prove it, what is your license plate?"  Great, I can only reply with the first three letters of the plate.  I asked if I could call her a cab, she pulled out a tazer and started waving it at me.  She was making it crackle and light up.  At that moment, I was thinking, college employee gets into a fight or college employee carjacked.  I decided neither choice was optimal considering all the press our school has gotten this past year, so I tried to outsmart/outrun her.

At this time I think people in the store were amused by this woman because they did nothing to stop or encourage her.  I walked towards my car and pointed, "Look, cops" she fell for it literally stumbling into me with the tazer going, but the batteries or something must have bit it, because all I felt was a tickle.  I got in a drove away.  Not sure what became of the tazer lady, but I was glad to be rid of her.

Part II:  The Accidental Creep
Part of my job as a coach is to watch kids play and take notes about their abilities.  Occasionally I use my phone to look up schedules and roster information so I can find out more about an athlete that piques my interest.  I often watch from the endline as I take notes and chat with colleagues doing the same.  Speaking of smartphones, kids like to take pictures of themselves making funny faces and whatnot.  Many times they find out after the fact that someone has inadvertently entered their frame.

Enter the goofy coach in her maroon polo taking notes.  As these kids giggle about the cool pics they have and faces they are making the girl that owns the phone holds up the phone and zooms in on one particular shot of her and her pal, who's mug appears, bright and clear?

Me:  "Uh, sorry about that."
Her:  "No, it's funny, my friends are all having a laugh."
Me:  "So we are going to delete that one, right?"
Her:  "Yes, I'll delete it right away."

What probably happened, she threw that sucker on Instagram the moment I walked away to watch a different court.  It's a good thing I don't have my college logo on everything I wear recruiting or else the Greater Pittsburgh area would be having a laugh at my expense.  I guess I don't see how that's different from any other day.

Part III:  Gopher and Karma
As you know one of my jobs involves working for a courier.  On this special day I had the good fortune of really nice weather.  Made it to my destination without incident, I drove through a town called, Pillow.  What could possibly happen?  On my way home, I came close to hitting a deer.  The deer looked at my car, and across the road.  It made a run for it, but slipped in the rumble strip on the other side of the highway.  I chuckled.

An exit or two later I spotted a woodchuck debating whether it should cross or not.  I changed lanes.  The creature froze.  There were vehicles behind and next to me.  I drove over the little guy hoping he would stay still, nope road pizza.

Karma paid me a visit later that night as I washed dishes in my spiffy pink rubber gloves.  It's a little warm with the hot water and all so naturally my hands are bit sweaty.  As I'm finishing up and trying to take these dishwashing gloves off.  After some finesse, I manage to remove the first glove.  Now I have a free hand from which to pull the second glove off.  Doesn't that glove slap me across the face as I yank on it with all my might.  I'm still trying to decide if it was laughing at the deer or crushing the poor woodchuck.

Pen Heaven

My second job involves picking up and delivering packages for transport.  Sometimes, I'm just an arm of a larger delivery company and sometimes I'm the third or fourth cog in the subcontract wheel.  Anyway, I was at the Cleveland Cargo counter and in the midst of schlepping the package, my clipboard, and paperwork from my car to the counter I must have dropped my pen.

I borrowed the bic from the counter and proceded to complete the obligatory paperwork.  Then these three women who were in the late sixties I suppose strolled in asking if their dog had arrived yet.  The guy at the counter asked which flight, and one of the ladies replied.  All the while one of the taller ladies had been clicking a stainless steel Parker pen in her hand.  "Hey, I have a pen like that,"  I thought to myself.  Crazy that in this world someone has a pen just like mine and they happen to be at the same cargo counter.

During this time the routing for my delivery had changed and I had to change carriers and fill out new paperwork.  I told the guys at the counter, thanks, since they were busy, but super patient with me and the company I was working with.  The old birds went into the waiting area as their dog had not yet arrived.  I walked out to my car and looked everywhere for the pen I thought I had.  No where in sight.  Those birds grabbed my pen.

15 May 2012


One of my pet peeves involves looking for parking spots, one of the nutty OCD requirements of a spot be that it be near a light post or at the end of a row.  My memory is awful and it just makes it easier to find my car in the end.  Back to search for a parking spot, many times I find that a spot is masquerading as open when in fact it is occupied by either a motorcycle, or sub-compact car.  Nothing against these vehicles (as I used to own a Yaris), but the act of turning in to a spot, only to find it occupied is frustrating and embarrassing.

As someone that is 5-1, I've been told on multiple occasions that I'm hard to spot in a crowd.  This is evident when at a volleyball tournament and the other coaches are looking for me, but don't spot me right away, because I get lost in a forest of arms, legs, and spandex.  Take my penchant for wearing school colors and you can see why people have a hard time picking me out when I'm seated in the Hammermill Center when it's moderately full.

Recently, I found myself having lunch at Panera, when a woman threw her jacket into the booth.  I said, "Hi" which threw her off for sure, because she jumped in the air a bit.  She excused herself and commented that she didn't realize the booth was occupied because she didn't my head over the booth.  After this encounter I realized that I am my own pet peeve in human form.  Small objects occupying a fraction of the space allotted only to reveal themselves too late.

This little wabbit is back to finish off my aloe plants.